Facts For Peace
Digital Campaign
Key Message
Fight antisemitism in the USA by stopping the spread of misinformation.
Target Audience
People of all ages who consume and are interested in media and news.
Design a personal fact-checking Chrome extension that utilizes AI to highlight, label, and correct information from non-credible sources. Promote credible media and news while simultaneously combating fake news.
“Micropedia News” Mobile App
Project Information
Misinformation breeds ignorance, and ignorance fuels hate. By the end of 2023, the FBI reported a record 1,832 hate crimes against the Jewish community in the United States—a staggering 337% increase in antisemitic attacks since October 7th, 2023. “Facts For Peace” was created to combat this rise in hatred by debunking misinformation and exposing harmful stereotypes. Through an app and a Chrome extension that flags biased and unchecked news, this initiative arms people with truth to push back against falsehoods. Because if there’s one thing this campaign teaches us, it’s this: never let hate go unchecked.
Project Process
We were tasked to create a digital solution to a social problem, and we chose the rising antisemitism in the United States. After days of research, we narrowed down what we wanted to achieve, which is the debunking of lies and stopping the spread of misinformation. That led us to pick a brand that could somewhat stand unbiased and be of service as a platform to educate and inform. This project was challenging in many ways, but its acceptance as a necessity was the biggest.
Key Services
Art Direction, Copywriting, Video Editing, UX, UI.