Rules Are Rules

Integrated Campaign



Key Message

Rules are rules.

Target Audience

Everyone who plays UNO—meaning around 80% of households in the USA.


Create controversy among UNO players by dismantling the myths about some made-up rules that most people follow. For example, you cannot stack a +2 on top of another +2. Crazy. Right?

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IRL Experience

Project Information

We’ve all witnessed injustice—like when your best friend ruthlessly stacks a +2 on another +2 in UNO. Believe it or not, that’s against the official UNO rules. Few betrayals cut deeper. That’s where Counselor Mr. Uno Dos comes in. As the finest (and only) legal expert to emerge from the esteemed UNO Legal Program, he’s here to fight for fairness, one card at a time. So, next time you face a UNO-related legal crisis, you know exactly who to call. The Rules Are Rules campaign aims to create a viral reaction to the introduction of this character into the popular game, making people play as the rulebook establishes.

Project Process

Inspired by the character of Saul Goodman in the acclaimed TV Show Better Caul Saul, Mr. Uno Dos is the center of attention of the campaign. We held auditions for a week while we found the perfect fit for this role. Apart from the TV Show, we looked for inspiration from “TikTok lawyers” who are legitimate counselors, and post funny videos on the platform to gain popularity. After creating this persona, the path was clear for us to create the rest.

Key Services

Art Direction, Copywriting, Video Editing, Talent.




Warby Parker