Who am I?

That’s a question few people get to answer for themselves, and luckily, I can…

I’m David Levy Pascal, and I’m crazy. Not the danger to society kind—more like the stay-up-all-night-thinking-about-taglines kind. The pause-a-movie-because-the-ad-in-the-background-is-brilliant kind. The kind of crazy that Steve Jobs once said was worth being.

Born in Miami, raised in Caracas, and currently surviving on Coke Zero and creativity at SCAD, I’ve spent my life obsessed with stories—whether on a stage, a screen, or a CeraVe ad. I started in acting, which basically means I’ve been playing pretend professionally since childhood. Turns out, advertising is just another form of method acting: you embody a brand, find its voice, and tell its story. And I love doing that.

In my free time, I devour movies, read everything I can get my hands on, and people-watch—in a totally non-creepy way. Observing people’s behavior teaches us how to connect with them, and at the end of the day, that’s our job. To know people. Funny enough, I almost failed my first advertising class because I didn’t understand that. When my professor asked, What business are we in? my innocent 17-year-old self confidently replied, Selling products. You can imagine my shock when he told me I was completely wrong. We’re in the business of knowing people.

I never forgot that. Since then, I’ve written, designed, and strategized my way through campaigns, scripts, and ideas that make people stop, think, laugh—feel. Because that’s what I want to do: make people feel something. Embody every voice possible. Tell every story possible. Because we all have stories, and they’re all worth sharing.

Wow, that felt like the epic ending to a cheesy movie—still epic.

Oh, and if you ever need a killer film reference, I’ve got you. I couldn’t retain a single physics formula, but I can recite entire movie dialogues at will.

Here’s a picture of me trying to pose naturally—still a good one, though.